
According to Wikipedia, warblers are "fairly small, vocal, and insectivorous". I'm tired of homebuilt aircraft being marketed as aggressive birds of prey when many people simply want an aircraft that is safe, affordable, and fun to fly. The Warbler line of aircraft is intended to fill that role.


The Warbler will be an aluminum aircraft, fastened with Cherry pulled-rivets. This method is very typical across similar LSAs. It's very easy to work with.  CNCed tooling will substantially reduce build times. Even though this is a plans-built aircraft, it should be able to be completed in a reasonable amount of time. The goal is that a club centered around one will be able to build one per year.


The Warbler will be a low-wing aircraft. It will utilize a Riblett GA30A-418 airfoil. It will have conventional flaps. It will be available with a tricycle or conventional undercarriage. It will be designed in SolidWorks OnShape. The goal is a 400-hour airframe construction time. The Design Manifesto is available here.


The Warbler will be an open-source project. I have not decided on an open-source license yet. Each license has its own pros and cons. There is clearly no way of being an advocate in experimental aviation without putting oneself at severe legal risk. The solution is simply to dump the contents of your work into the public domain and accept that no money will be made from your work.


The LSA space is very crowded. I don't think anything fills my mission. Let's consider some examples.

Here we are. It's 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025. We have CNC machines that are affordable enough for people to keep in their garages (2024 Update: The Maslow 4 will likely be my saving grace). Yet, the homebuilt community is still not pushing open-source. This is insane to me.


The Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) for this project is Connor Luckett. Connor decided to build a Thatcher CX4 while he was in graduate school, and he realized that building a well-designed aircraft from plans is not as hard as people like to claim it is. However, keeping good documentation is harder than most people think it is. Connor has a B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science with a minor in Physics from Austin College in Sherman, TX. He received his Sc.M. in Computer Science from Brown University. He is also an LSRM-A.